Philippians 2:9-11
Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
and gave him the name above all other names,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
I love the first 11 verses of Philippians 2, and I love the end of the story as expressed in verses 9-11. Still, it is hard for me to put into words the grandeur and the amazing thrill of that day when everyone will bow before Jesus and confess that He is Lord over all. The words that Paul has penned speak for themselves. When I am present on that day, I know the moment will be all about Him. We will all see that Jesus is Lord and His Love is the truest and the most faithful. . I look forward to that day when everything will be crystal clear in everyone’s minds.
However, I want to believe in Him and worship Him before I am compelled. I want to be counted as one of His followers beforehand so that I am standing as one of His children who love Him. While sin is rampant in our world, while my life is far from perfect, I want to stand for Jesus.
I may lose my reputation, but often it could easily be my own fault either through mistakes I make or poor communication on my part. I may not be understood. My love may be rejected, but Jesus has had to suffer so much more on such a larger scale and never because He deserved it. He was willing to take the journey even when He knew what it would be like way before He took it, all because of love.
We do not fully understand. Through years of eternity we will study and learn more and still more about God and His love. Still, I am glad there is a point where we understand enough so that everyone will bow and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord.
He gives His following, believing children everything. We do not lack. He strengthens us to stand. He protects us when we call out to Him. Even if we must suffer in this world and be in it, He is there every step of the way. He has already won and only a short lifetime on this planet is still necessary to show just how Satan’s plan of government works out to its end. In the end, Jesus will stand tall and all will see that His plan of life and love are best, that Love truly wins every time.
She had the promise of God that one day, the evil one will be conquered completely. Sin will have an end. This hope must have made her glad in her life. She wanted her own boy to be the promised savior of the world, but she knew that Jesus would come somewhere down the line of her descendants.
She thought for a very long time as did most of the Jews that the Messiah would come and set up His kingdom on Earth in His lifetime in our world. She thought He was born to be crowned King, but He was crowned with thorns and killed in the most degrading and cruel manner. When Jesus rose from the dead, her understanding of the scriptures broadened to see God’s true plan of salvation. She looked forward because she knew the day was coming when every knee will bow. All those who never understood Him would understand.
My prayer
Dear Father in Heaven –
Thank You for Jesus and the hope that You give. One day we will all bow before Jesus. He deserves all our adoration now, however. I pray that You will help my heart to reach out to You in true worship now, before that final day. Please help me by Your grace to walk with You, believe in You and draw others to You during my life in this world. Thank You that all this is possible because of Jesus! Amen.
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