Welcome to this Adventure in the Letter to the Philippians!

All are welcome to explore Philippians in the Bible with me. While I will be studying the letter as written by Paul and taken from the perspective of women both ancient and contemporary, anyone at all can read and add their appropriate feedback and questions!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Living for Honor

Philippians 2:14-18

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.  Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.  But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy.  Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.
This paragraph is not much good without the truth of the paragraph before it. Paul is here sharing the important life for which to strive with God working in our hearts as explained in Philippians 2:12 & 13. Of course, he is speaking to the Philippian church that he has nurtured. Still, we can think of those who have helped us along the pathway in the Christian life. We can cheer their lives now if we are in contact with them, and we can bring them joy in eternity when we meet in Heaven at last by continuing throughout our lives to choose God’s way and life.

The “Word of Life” is something we can hold onto by faith, and with our faith we can pray to God Whom we cannot see and communicate with Him. Prayer and study opens our thinking to God and we grow. Reading His Word as we pray, the Holy Spirit teaches us.

I am very glad that God can work inside me so that I do not complain and argue with others. So true it is that we are criticized for complaining and arguing. Those who are critical are always ready to pounce when we let words slip. I cannot guard my unruly tongue, and I need the miracle of God so that I do not slip. When I cling to Him and know my need, He is there to give me what I need to speak the right words and have the right attitude that gives me dignity as His child. I am so thankful.


She was able to teach God’s ways to numerous generations in her more than 900 years of life. She had to watch as the generations made their choices in life to follow or not to follow God’s ways. Those who chose the better and higher paths of life and did follow God must have brought her joy. She must have loved them all, but seeing those who stayed on God’s side must have been such a blessing to her.


Mary lived that good life in her day. She was chosen by God because she was a believer even when she was very young.  She has been a blessing to countless generations over the past 2,000 years because of her choice to let God do with her what was His will. Her life inspires us as women of any age to believe and trust and to lay our lives out in surrender to God.

My Prayer

Dear Lord,

Please do Your work in the very heart of me and of who I am so that I will have a good attitude. Please help me to speak only what would please You and be a blessing to others, especially those who have invested much in my life. Thank You for the ones you have placed in my life as mentors and teachers. Please help me to learn my lessons well and honor You and them by my life and choices. Thank You that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who enables me! Amen!

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